the road less traveled...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

chapter 60: the plot thickens

day three total: 1,987 words.
running total: 3,676 words.

ok, so i'm a little short of my three day goal of 5,001 words, but considering i didn't write at all on day two, it's not too bad.

i was tired when i came home from work tuesday, so i thought i'd take a little, 12 hour nap. so i screwed up there, but i recovered nicely on wednesday. by the time i'd scratched out a painful 600 words in the morning going on afternoon, i had a massive plot problem. scary when it's only day three, but i managed to pound out another 1,400 words and got back in the swing.

my plot is now wide open, i have the main characters established and evolving, and i even have a couple subplots brewing. i won't say it's great writing. i honestly can't tell, but it's not a bad story. feels awesome to solve my first problem.

onward to 6,668 words, my day four destination!

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