the road less traveled...

Monday, June 30, 2008

chapter 34: far from the equator daze

i'm a night person. always have been. or so i thought. lately i've been thinking that in some ways, we're really not in control of our bodies at all. it seems like the rhythms of our bodies are funkadelically linked to the beat of this great big rotating dance club called planet earth.

for example: in ghana, the sun set between 6pm and 6:45 the entire time i was there. when it gets dark, it gets dark. and í'm not speaking metaphorically here. the lack of street lights and frequent blackouts meant after sunset, i often couldn't see things that were two feet in front of my face.

on cue, i'd be tired. sure, i worked long, mentally and physically exhausting days, scurrying around in the hot sun, often while trying to wring coherent answers out of self-important big men.
but still, this is brennan we're talking about!
the life of the party, the one who never fell asleep during movies, the "let's shoot some tequila!" at 2am guy. suddenly, i was losing the war between my mind, which wanted to rock and roll all night and party ev'ry day, and my body, which thought i should be sleeping like a 7:30. i even slept through what was supposed to be my birthday at the club, much to the disappointment of my ghanaian friends.
i felt old.

but then, a mysterious thing happened. when i came back to 'the world', my stay-up-and-go...came back. yes friends, the brennan you know and love is back. long live the party. and long live the san sebastian 10:30pm!
ps - body, this is mind. let's never fight again.

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