the road less traveled...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

chapter 2: hey obruni!

"hey white man, white man!" "hey obruni"...oh, they mean me. yes, i've finally arrived, after flying, waiting, flying, waiting, lost luggage, waiting and more waiting.

today, stinking in the same clothes because of aforementioned lost luggage, melting in the heat, and causing a stir with the locals.

but i'm here.

we finally got to our hotel in accra after a day that can only be described as surreal and exhausting. i slept until early morning, woken up by oppressive heat and excitement.

i took a stroll through the neighbourhood. but this is no resort. i walk among the locals, hearing shouts of the curious, the merchants, and the honks of taxi drivers. the mingled smell of open sewers and tropical air is in my nose, but strangely, it's not unpleasant.

and it's hot. oh yeah, hot.

an hour down a local road, seeing all sorts of wares for sale, some familiar (coca-cola) some not (some kind of roadside meat, which i decline)...and i'm hotter than i've ever felt. i stop to ask some local boys why it's so hot, but nobody's sweating. they point and call me fat. "you eat too much". i conceded the point with a laugh. we do eat too much.

but it's all in good fun. i'm just happy to be off the plane and living the world i envisioned a prepared for.

this is africa. (with apologies ot keelio)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're there safe and looking forward to reading more about your adventures Bren!