the road less traveled...

Friday, December 7, 2007

chapter 9: love letters

things i love about ghana:

*little sounds people make constantly:

"oh!"...used to express surprise.
"eh!"...used to express surprise, anger, or any number of things.
"ah!"...frustrated resignation, disapproval.
"heeey"...happy surprise, like when an obruni correctly uses the local language.

*"thank you"...excited agreement during a 'discussion'. comes out more like tankyou

*"i'm coming"...translation, i'll be right back, please don't go away. in the local language, often expressed as "brahbrahbrah"...literally, i'mcomingi'mcomingi'mcoming
*everyone gets a nickname. mine, for reasons i'm not really sure of, is "papa sly"
*ghanaians love a good hug

*the warm, fragrant evenings, filled with the noise of crickets, frogs, birds and other animals
*you can always get a taxi

*you can leave the house with the ghanaian equivalent of ten dollars, take a cab to town, have lunch, a beer, buy a pineapple, take a cab home and still have change

*everything comes in doubles. if you want a small bottle of beer, it's not small, it's smallsmall

*the names. my jhr colleague sophie has compiled her own list, ( but i'd like to add the following:

things i miss about canada:

*servers who actually serve
*tap water
*stores with clothing in my size
*seats on all toilets
*businesses who have change readily available
*the ability to make reservations
*canadian time
*the expectation of a fair shake
*not being constantly asked for money

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.