the road less traveled...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

chapter 51: welcome back, america

the united states of america really is a baffling country.

they can bungle along for years, corrupt, greedy, cynical, aggressive and mean, until the country's downfall looks predictable and swift.

and then, out of nowhere, we see the qualities that have made the united states great. a country that specializes in bold, courageous moves that change the world.

tonight's election of barack obama felt like that. it felt like one of those moments people tell their children and grandchildren about. it felt magical, like a new era of compassion, hope, honesty and solidarity that unites people around the world. the great phoenix has regenerated and risen from the ashes again.

know what?

after tonight, i like those yanks much better.

welcome back, america. we missed you.


Anonymous said...

What?!?!? That's it? Bring back the cranky Brenn!

Anonymous said...

But seriously, it gave me goosebumps. Really one of those watershed moments in world history that people will be talking about for generations.

I was texting with my brother, and we were joking about Eddie Murphy's 'first black president' skit in Delirious, where he talks about Jesse Jackson running. Eddie creates a random character telling Jesse "Jesse, you can win! You're better than m****rf****n (first black mayor of Chicago) Harold Washington!"

Well, Harold Washington would be proud tonight.

Brennan Leffler said...

i can't be cranky tonight. it's the closest we've come to something like the fall of the berlin wall. it felt meaningful, and covering politics wall to wall both here and in canada for the last three months has been so grueling, and after all that i have to admit that obama seems genuine. it's a start.