the road less traveled...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

chapter 64: i've got a bad feeling about this...

remember katrina? the floods, the devastation, etc...and then it somehow turned into an even bigger nightmare for the people who managed to survive.

and that's what i'm afraid will happen in haiti. it's a country that was already living on the edge of oblivion. to paraphrase a colleague of mine, they had very little before the earthquake, now they have much, much less.

so what happens now? restlessness, check. hunger, check. thirst, check. looting, check. disease? roving gangs?

my job has often had me immersed in misery; through the filter of distance, but still...this just has a more visceral feel to it. and it could easily get worse. join me in trying to do what we can to stop that from happening.