the road less traveled...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

chapter 63: way off track!

day 13 total: 2,488 words.
running total: 10,754 words.

i suck.

i boozed and loozed for days on either side of my birthday, and now i'm about 10,000 words behind where i should be. seriously. as always, i've used my unique talent for making things harder than they have to be. even something as idiotic and difficult as writing a novel in a month.

the good news? i'm good at being an underdog. which is encouraging, because i'm now up a certain creek that you may be aquaintded with, sans paddle.

but i got back on it today, and actually had my most productive day yet.

here's hoping i've got a few more of them in me, cause i now have to average 2,300 words per day to hit my goal.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

chapter 62: back on track!

day 5 total: 2,180 words.
running total: 8,296 words.

i am finally back on track, after spending the last few days catching up from taking a day off. okay, so i'm technically off by 39 words. whatever.

the plot has started to go in different directions, and i still don't know how i'll get from here to the last sentence of the novel, which i've already thought of...whether it's still the last sentence when i'm done, who can say.

i'm also becoming weird and isolated. even more than usual. i undersand why so many writers have beards now. every time i got to shave, a plot point occurs. are female novelists hairy? this is what passes for non-noveling thought.

clearly, i'm losing it, and we're only five days in. alert the men in the white coats.

onward to 10,002 words!

chapter 61: best day yet!

day four total: 2,440 words.
running total: 6,116 words.

well, i'm slowly getting close to being back on track with my daily averages. i'm only about 500 words behind where i should be now. today (wednesday) was my best day yet, but it sure is hard to catch up. i'll have to duplicate today's ouput to get to the day five goal. it doesn't seem like it when things are going well, but 1,667 words day after day is a blistering pace. and i've only missed one day so far. note to self: no more days off!

it's gotten a lot easier since i actually took time to flesh out the plot. imagine that! i seem to be decent at plot, but bad at character and dialogue. meh, whatever. see no evil, hear no evil.

the words are getting on the page. that's the goal.

onward to 8,335 words!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

chapter 60: the plot thickens

day three total: 1,987 words.
running total: 3,676 words.

ok, so i'm a little short of my three day goal of 5,001 words, but considering i didn't write at all on day two, it's not too bad.

i was tired when i came home from work tuesday, so i thought i'd take a little, 12 hour nap. so i screwed up there, but i recovered nicely on wednesday. by the time i'd scratched out a painful 600 words in the morning going on afternoon, i had a massive plot problem. scary when it's only day three, but i managed to pound out another 1,400 words and got back in the swing.

my plot is now wide open, i have the main characters established and evolving, and i even have a couple subplots brewing. i won't say it's great writing. i honestly can't tell, but it's not a bad story. feels awesome to solve my first problem.

onward to 6,668 words, my day four destination!

Monday, November 2, 2009

chapter 59: day one, and all's well. sort of.

day 1: 1689 words.

ack. yes, ack.

after working a full day at the job, i have managed to focus my mental energy on getting my novel rolling and reached my daily quota of 1,667 words. i even surpassed in by 22 words...killed it!

i now have two characters, the scene partly established, and some admittedly hackneyed prose. it was somewhat more difficult than i thought it'd be to shut off my angry internal censor, though. he's clearly not happy that i'm letting myself suck. i don't deal well with sucking.

but the point of this excercise is to get the words down on paper, so i guess i've reached my goal.

here's hoping it comes easier and gets better on day two.

ps - shut up, brain.
pps - if anyone knows a good character name for a clumsy, clueless, do-gooding journalist who's in over his head in africa, i'm taking suggestions.
ppps - the first person to suggest "Brennan Leffler" gets hit with a barrage of obscenities.